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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Header and Footer pages

You can associate a different header or footer to each page style. This property makes it very easy to have different headers on left and right pages, to avoid headers on pages at the start of a new chapter, and so on.

Setting up the header and footer pages is straightforward. The instructions here refer to the header, but the footer page has the same options. Activate the input boxes by selecting Header on, then specify the left margin, right margin, and spacing to the main text area. For the height of the header area, you can either select the AutoFit height box, which will make Writer adapt the size to the contents, or specify the height manually. Clicking More opens a new dialog box, where you can set the borders and background of the header area.

If you deselect the Same content left/right box, you can specify a different header for left or right pages, even if you use a single style for both. Below is an example.

Different content on left and right pages.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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