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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Defining the appearance of a nested list

A nested list is a numbered or bulleted list with subordinate (usually indented) numbered or bulleted lists. Rather than just a list of numbered items (1,2,3...), a nested list may have item 1, then indented items numbered a,b,c or i,ii,iii or some other numbering method before the main number 2. With numbering styles, you can achieve any combination of numbering formats you want. A nested list may even combine numbered items with bulleted items.

There is no difference between defining a nested list style or a simple list, although nested lists require more work. An example of a nested list is given in Chapter 3 (Working with Text). In that case, the list was built using one of the predefined outline schemes as a starting point, while in this section we follow a more general approach so that the list can fully suit your needs.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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