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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Creating new frame styles

You can access frame settings by selecting New or Modify in the Styles and Formatting window for a frame style.

Frame settings are available from the following tabbed pages:

  • Type page: sets the size and position of the frame. One of the most useful options here is AutoSize, which automatically adjusts the frame to the object it contains. If the frame style is one used automatically, then this option should be selected.
  • Options page: sets whether the contents of the frame are printed and able to be edited in a read-only document. The tab also sets the text direction, which is useful if you are using the frame for contents in a language that uses right-to-left text direction.
  • Wrap page: sets how text is positioned in relation to the frame and how close text comes to a frame. If you want the frame contents to stand out from the paragraphs around it, set the wrap to None. This probably is the single most important tab for frames.
  • Background page: sets the background color or graphic. This tab is useful mostly for text frames in complex page layouts, in which a text frame has an appearance different from the general background of the page.
  • Border page: sets the line around the frame, if any. Many beginning designers make the mistake of adding a border to every frame. However, when a colored background distinctly marks the division between the frame’s contents and the rest of the page, borders are unnecessary.
  • Columns page: this tab can be ignored unless the frame is being used for text. The page is the same that is used to set up a page style, and its parameters are described in the section Columns page.
  • Macro page: sets a macro to use with the frame in order to trigger some action when the user interacts with the frame. These options are useful only in an on-line Writer or HTML document.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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