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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Creating a new character style

This section illustrates the use of the style dialog box for creating a new character style.

The pages used to configure the character style have already been seen in the previous section on paragraph styles. Therefore, once you are familiar with creating paragraph styles, it will only take a few minutes to create a character style.

  • Use the Organizer to set up the hierarchical level of the new character style (if needed) and to give it a name.
  • Use the Font page to determine the font, typeface, and size for your character style. As with paragraph styles, you can specify the size as a percentage rather than providing the absolute value. For example, 150% means that when the character style is applied to a 10pt font size, the new font size will be 15pt, while if applied to a 14pt font size, the new size will be 21pt. You can also specify the Language of the text to which a certain character style is applied, so you can insert words in a different language and have them spell checked using the correct dictionary.
  • In the Font Effects page, you can set up attributes such as font color, underlining, relief, or other effects. If you frequently use hidden text, for example, it is very convenient to define a character style where the Hidden option is marked. This way you only need a few mouse clicks to hide text. Relief effects may be appropriate for a drop cap or to give more emphasis to the chapter number or other parts of the title (as it is the case of this guide).
  • You can use the Position page to create a subscript in case you are not satisfied with the default one or even a sub-subscript which may be useful for certain scientific publications. In the same page, you can create rotated, condensed, or expanded text.
Image:documentation_note.png When rotating a group of characters, you also need to specify whether the rotated text should fit in the line or ,if instead, it is allowed to expand above and below the line. This property only becomes active for character styles.
  • Finish creating a character style by assigning a background, if so desired. Applying a background to a character style yields the same effect as using the highlighting tool on the standard toolbar.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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