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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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This is Chapter 8 of the 3 Writer Guide, produced by the OOoAuthors group. A PDF of this chapter is available from Documentation at

Graphics in Writer

When you create a text document using (OOo) Writer, you may need to include some graphic illustrations. Graphics are added to textual documents for a wide variety of reasons: from supporting the description provided in the text—such as that used in this Guide—to providing an immediate visual impact of the contents, such as what is often found in a newspaper.

Graphics in Writer are of three basic types:

  • Image files, including photos, drawings, scanned images, and others
  • Diagrams created using OOo’s drawing tools
  • Charts created using OOo’s Chart facility

This chapter covers the first two types of graphic illustrations.

More detailed descriptions on working with drawing tools can be found in the Draw Guide and Impress Guide. Instructions on how to create charts are given in the Calc Guide.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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