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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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In addition to the Page Number field on the Status bar (described in Status bar), Writer provides other ways to move quickly through a document and find specific items by using the many features of the Navigator, the Navigation toolbar, and related icons.

To open the Navigator, click its icon Image:Nav-icon.png on the Standard toolbar, or press F5, or choose Edit > Navigator on the menu bar. You can dock the Navigator to either side of the main Writer window or leave it floating (see Docking/floating windows and toolbars).

The Navigator displays lists of all the headings, tables, text frames, graphics, bookmarks, and other objects contained in a document.

To hide the list of categories and show only the icons at the top, click the List Box On/Off icon Image:listbox-icon.png. Click this icon again to show the list. Click the + sign by any of the lists to display the contents of the list.

The Navigator
Image:documentation_note.pngThe Navigator has different functions in a master document. See Chapter 13 (Working with Master Documents).

Table 1 summarizes the functions of the icons at the top of the Navigator.

Table 1: Function of icons in the Navigator

Image:md-icon.png Not active in ordinary documents. In a master document, switches between the master document file and its subdocuments.
Image:navbar-icon.png Opens the Navigation toolbar (see Using the Navigation toolbar).
Image:prevnext-icon.png Jumps to the previous or next item in the document. To select the category of items, see Using the Navigation toolbar.
Image:pgno-icon.png Jumps to the page number in the box. Type the page number or select it using the up and down arrows.
Image:dm-icon.png Drag Mode. Select hyperlink, link, or copy. See Choosing drag mode for details.
Image:listbox-icon.png List Box On/Off. Shows or hides the list of categories.
Image:contentview-icon.png Content View. Switches between showing all categories and showing only the selected category.
Image:reminder-icon.png Inserts a reminder. See Setting reminders.
Image:hfjump-icon.png Jumps between the text area and the header or footer area (if the page has them).
Image:fnjump-icon.png Jumps between a footnote anchor and the corresponding footnote text.
Image:hl-icon.png Choose the number of heading levels to be shown.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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