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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Set or change properties for drawing objects

To set the properties for a drawing object before you draw it:

  1. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Select tool.
  2. On the Drawing Object Properties toolbar, click on the icon for each property and select the value you want for that property.
  3. For more control, or to define new attributes, you can click on the Area or Line icons on the toolbar to display detailed dialog boxes.

The default you set applies to the current document and session. It is not retained when you close the document or close Writer, and it does not apply to any other document you open. The defaults apply to all the drawing objects except text objects.

Drawing Object Properties toolbar

1 Line | 2 Arrow Style | 3 Line Style | 4 Line Width | 5 Line Color | 6 Area | 7 Area Style / Filling | 8 Rotate | 9 To Foreground | 10 To Background | 11 Bring to Front | 12 Send to Back | 13 Alignment | 14 Change Anchor | 15 Ungroup | 16 Group

Drawing Object Properties toolbar

To change the properties for an existing drawing object:

  1. Select the object.
  2. Continue as described above.

You can also specify the position and size, rotation, and slant and corner radius properties of the drawing object:

  1. Right-click on the drawing object and then click Position and Size from the pop-up menu. The Position and Size dialog box is displayed.
  2. Choose any properties, as required.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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