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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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The Menu bar is located across the top of the Writer window, just below the Title bar. When you choose one of the menus, a submenu drops down to show commands.

  • File contains commands that apply to the entire document such as Open, Save, and Export as PDF.
  • Edit contains commands for editing the document such as Undo and Find & Replace.
  • View contains commands for controlling the display of the document such as Zoom and Web Layout.
  • Insert contains commands for inserting elements into your document such as headers, footers, and pictures.
  • Format contains commands for formatting the layout of your document, such as Styles and Formatting, Paragraph, and Bullets and Numbering.
  • Table shows all commands to insert and edit a table in a text document.
  • Tools contains functions such as Spellcheck, Customize, and Options.
  • Window contains commands for the display window.
  • Help contains links to the Help file, What’s This?, and information about the program. See Getting help.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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