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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Editing and deleting sections

You can edit a section's attributes and formatting, and you can also delete sections.

Selecting a section

To select the section that you want to edit or delete, follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu, choose Format > Sections. The Edit Sections dialog box opens.
  2. The name of the current section appears in the Section area, in the field above the list box. If you want to edit or delete a different section, click the name of the desired section in the list. The selected section becomes the current section, and its name appears in the field above the list box.
Edit Sections dialog box.

Editing section attributes

To rename the current section, simply type over its name in the Section area.

From the Edit Sections dialog box, you can also edit the current section's link, write-protect, and hide attributes. To learn how to edit these attributes, see:

Deleting sections

To delete the current section, click the Remove button.

Image:documentation_note.pngWriter will not prompt you to confirm the delete! To undo a delete, click the Cancel button.

Editing the format of a section

To edit the format of the current section, click the Options button. The Options dialog box opens.

Options dialog box for sections.

The Options dialog box has four tabbed pages: Columns, Indents, Background, and Footnotes/Endnotes. To learn how to use these pages, see:

To reset a page to its most recently saved settings, click the Reset button.

To save your Options settings and return to the Edit Sections dialog box, click OK.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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