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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Combining header text and page number

There are a lot of interesting variations that you can apply without further knowledge of page styles. Here are some suggestions:

  • Right-align the header to make the page number appear on the top-right.
  • Add (type) the word page so the header reads page 1', page 2, and so on. This also requires using the Page Number field.
  • Add the document title so the header reads, for example: Peter's favourite poems, left justified, and page x with right justification, where x is the value of the Page Number field. Consider using a (right-aligned) tab to separate the title from the page number.
  • OOo also has a Page Count field (Insert > Fields > Page Count). Using it, you could, for example, have a header that reads page 2 of 12.

These variations are all illustrated below.

Variations on the simple page numbering method.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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