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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Linking frames

You can link several frames to each other even when they are on different pages of a document. The contents will automatically flow from one to the next. This technique is very useful when designing newsletters, where articles may need to be continued on a different page.

To link one frame to another:

  1. Select the frame to be linked from.
  2. Click the Link Frames icon inline:Graphic151.png on the object bar.
  3. Click the next frame in the series (which must be empty).

When a linked frame is selected, any existing links are indicated by a connecting line, as shown below.

Linked frames.
Image:documentation_note.pngYou cannot link from a frame to more than one other frame.

The height of a frame that is being linked from is fixed; you can change this height manually or by using the Frame dialog box, but it does not automatically adjust to the size of the contents (that is, the AutoHeight attribute is disabled). Only the last frame of a chain can adapt its height to the content.

The Options page of the Frame dialog box shows the names of the selected frame and any frames it is linked to or from. You can change this information here. On this page, you can also select check boxes to protect the contents, position, and size of the frame.

Options tab of the Frame dialog box.

On the Hyperlink page, you can specify the file for the hyperlink to open. This file can be on your machine, a network, or the Internet.

Hyperlink tab of the Frame dialog box.

The Wrap, Borders, Background, Columns, and Macro pages of the Frame dialog box are the same as those for frame styles. Refer to Chapter 7 (Working with Styles) for details.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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