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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Specifying text flow

On the Text Flow page of the Table Format dialog box, you can:

  • Insert a page or column break either before or after the table. Use the Text Flow: Break option, combined with the Page or Column and the Before or After buttons.If you insert a page break before the table (that is, start the table on a new page), you can also change the page style that will go with it by checking the With Page Style box and selecting a new page style. As with any page break, you can also reset the page numbers using the Page number box.
  • Keep a table on one page by deselecting the Allow table to split across pages and columns option. If this item is deselected, the next item is not active.
  • Keep each row on one page by deselecting the Allow row to break across pages and columns option.
  • Use the Keep with next paragraph option to keep the table and an immediately following paragraph together if you insert a page break.
  • Use the Repeat heading option, and its associated numbers box, to select the number of table heading rows that will be repeated on each page. A complicated table may need two or three heading rows to be easily read and understood.
  • Use the Text direction list to select the direction for the text in the cells. The most common setting is Left to right for Western languages.
Image:documentation_note.png The phrase Use superordinate object settings means “use the formatting settings from the paragraph before the table”.
Table Format dialog box: Text Flow page
  • Select the vertical alignment of the text in the table or the selected cells; the choices are to align with the top of the cell, the center of the cell, or the bottom of the cell. This alignment is in addition to the Left-Right alignment options available on the Table page of the Table Format dialog box.
Image:documentation_note.png A table heading row can not span two pages, but any other row can. A one-row table (often used for page layout purposes), if set up with the default of including a heading, will not break across pages. The cure is to make sure the table is defined without a heading row.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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