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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Number formats

The number format can be set for a whole table or group of cells. For example, cells can be set to display in a particular currency, to four decimal places, or in a particular date format.

Number recognition specifies that numbers in a text table are recognized and formatted as numbers. If number recognition is selected, numbers are automatically bottom-right aligned. Number recognition option can be enabled under Tools > Options > Writer > Table.

Select the cells to format, then right-click and select Number Format from the pop-up menu. The Number Format dialog box opens for you to set options for various categories of numerical data.

  • In the Category list, select the category you want, such as currency, date, or text.
  • In the Format list, choose a format for the category you just selected.
  • For some categories, such as date, you may wish to change the language using the Language list while for other numerical categories the Options section of the dialog box allows you to customize the appearance.
Image:Tip.png You will notice that OOo displays the formatting code for the category and format selected in Format Code section at the bottom of the dialog box. For example, if you select a date format such as 31 Dec 1999 the corresponding code is D MMM YYYY. Advanced users can easily customize this formatting code as well as create new user-defined codes.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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