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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Add form controls

The next step is to add the form controls to the document. We will have four controls:

  • Name is a text box
  • Sex is two option buttons, male or female.
  • Favourite shape is a list of options.
  • All shapes you like is a series of check boxes.

To add these controls:

  1. Select View > Toolbars > Form Controls to open the Form Control toolbar.
  2. If the tools are not active, click the Form Navigator button (on the Form Control toolbar) to activate them. If necessary, also click the Design Mode On/Off button.
  3. Click the Text Box button Image:FormTextbox.png, then click in the document and, with the left mouse button held down, drag the shape of the Name text box to approximately the size you want.
  4. Make sure the Wizards On/Off button Image:FormWizardsIcon.png is on (shaded with a border). Click the More Controls button Image:FormMoreControls.png to launch the More Controls toolbar.
  5. On the More Controls toolbar, click the Group Box button Image:FormGroupBox.png. Draw a group box by the Sex: entry to launch the Group Element Wizard.
  6. On the first page of the wizard, enter two names for the options fields: Male and Female. Click Next>> three times, delete the caption and click Finish.
  7. Now create the list box. On the Form Controls toolbar, click the Wizards On/Off button File:OrmWizardsIcon.png to turn wizards off. Click the List Box button Image:FormListbox.png and draw a list box by Favourite Shape: in the document. This will just be an empty pane for now.
  8. Finally create four check boxes by All the shapes you like. Click on the Check Box button Image:FormCheckbox.png and then draw out four check boxes, side by side across the page.

You should now have a document looking something like the figure below.

Document with form controls.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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