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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Preparing items as targets for cross-referencing

Before you can insert a cross-reference to anything that is not automatically shown on the References tab, such as a heading, you must prepare or “set” that heading as an item to be referenced. To do this, you can either use bookmarks or set references.

When you set references, be sure to select the entire text you want to use as the reference, such as a heading or figure number. Keep a list of what you have named the reference fields, and be sure every name is unique. One way to keep track of this information is by putting it in a separate text file or a spreadsheet.

The field names are case-sensitive. You can check the field name by holding the cursor over the referenced item. In our example, the heading has the field name word count.

Finding the field name for a heading.

Using bookmarks

Bookmarks are listed in the Navigator and can be accessed directly from there with a single mouse click. In HTML documents, bookmarks are converted to anchors that you can jump to via hyperlink.

  1. Select the text you want to bookmark. Click Insert > Bookmark.
  2. On the Insert Bookmark dialog box, the larger box lists any previously defined bookmarks. Type a name for this bookmark in the top box. Click OK.
Inserting a bookmark.

Setting references

  1. Click Insert > Cross reference.
  2. On the References tab of the Fields dialog box, click Set Reference in the Type list. The Selection list shows any references that have been defined.
  3. You can leave this page open while you set many headings as references.

    Setting text to be used as a target for a cross-reference.
  4. Click in the document and highlight the text of the first heading to be used as a target for a cross-reference. Click on the Fields dialog box. The text of the heading will appear in the Value box in the lower right of the dialog box. In the Name box, type some text by which you can identify this heading.
  5. Click Insert. The text you typed in the Name box now appears in the Selection list.
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as often as required.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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