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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Changing the formatting of your styles

One of the main advantages of styles is that they allow the document formatting to be changed after the content has been written. For example, suppose you have written a 100-page book of poetry. Then you decide you don’t like the way the poems look after all. Or, perhaps, your publisher doesn’t like it.

To learn about reconfiguring styles, we add an indentation to the Poem style instead of centering it.

Indent Poem

First, set the Poem style to left alignment:

  1. In the Styles and Formatting window, select Poem and right-click and select Modify.
  2. On the Alignment page, select Left.

Set the indentation:

  1. Click the Indents & Spacing tab.
  2. Under Indent, set the indentation before the text to 5cm (or about 2in).

Done! Click OK, and you should see the text change.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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