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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Creating a template using a wizard

You can use wizards to create Writer templates for letters, faxes, and agendas.

For example, the Fax Wizard steps you through the following choices:

  • Type of fax (business or personal)
  • Document elements like the date, subject line (business fax), salutation, and complimentary close
  • Options for sender and recipient information (business fax)
  • Text to include in the footer (business fax)

To create a template using a wizard:

  1. From the main menu, choose File > Wizards > [ type of template required].
  2. Follow the instructions on the pages of the wizard. This process is slightly different for each type of template, but the format is similar for all of them.
  3. In the last section of the wizard, you can specify the name and location for saving the template. The default location is your user templates directory, but you can choose a different location if you prefer.
  4. Finally, you have the option of creating a new document from your template immediately, or manually changing the template. For future documents, you can re-use the template created by the wizard, just as you would use any other template.
Creating a template using a wizard.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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