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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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General Load/Save options

Most of the choices on the Options – Load/Save – General page are familiar to users of other office suites. Some items of interest are described below.

Load user-specific settings with the document

When you save a document, certain settings are saved with it. For example, your choice (in the options for OOo Writer) of how to update links is affected by the Load user-specific settings option. Some settings (printer name, data source linked to the document) are always loaded with a document, whether or not this option is selected.

Choosing Load and Save options.

If you select this option, these document settings are overruled by the user-specific settings of the person who opens it. If you deselect this option, users’ personal settings do not overrule the settings in the document.

Load printer settings with the document

If this option is not selected, the printer settings that are stored with the document are ignored when you print it using the Print File Directly icon. The default printer in your system will be used instead.

Edit document properties before saving

If you select this option, the Document Properties dialog pops up to prompt you to enter relevant information the first time you save a new document (or whenever you use Save As).

Save AutoRecovery information every

Note that AutoRecovery in overwrites the original file. If you have also chosen Always create backup copy, the original file then overwrites the backup copy. If you have this set, recovering your document after a system crash will be easier; but recovering an earlier version of the document may be harder.

Save URLs relative to file system / internet

Relative addressing to a file system is only possible if the source document and the referenced document are both on the same drive. A relative address always starts from the directory in which the current document is located. It is recommended to save relatively if you want to create a directory structure on an Internet server.

Default file format and ODF settings

ODF format version. by default saves documents in OpenDocument Format (ODF) version 1.2. While this allows for improved functionality, there may be backwards compatibility issues. When a file saved in ODF 1.2 is opened in an earlier version of (using ODF 1.0/1.1), some of the advanced features may be lost. Two notable examples are cross-references to headings and the formatting of numbered lists. If you plan to share documents with people who are still using older versions of, it is recommended that you save the document using ODF version 1.0/1.1.

Size optimization for ODF format. documents are XML files. When you select this option, OOo writes the XML data without indents and line breaks. If you want to be able to read the XML files in a text editor in a structured form, deselect this option.

Document type. If you routinely share documents with users of Microsoft Word, you might want to change the Always save as attribute for text documents in the Standard file format section to one of the Word document types.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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