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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Choose spelling options

To choose the options for checking spelling, click Language Settings > Writing Aids. In the Options section of the page, choose the settings that are useful for you. Some considerations:

  • If you do not want spelling checked while you type, deselect Check spelling as you type and select Do not mark errors. (To find the second item, scroll down in the Options list.)
  • If you use a custom dictionary that includes words in all upper case and words with numbers (for example, AS/400), select Check uppercase words and Check words with numbers.
  • Check special regions includes headers, footers, frames, and tables when checking spelling.

Here you can also check which user-defined (custom) dictionaries are active by default, and add or remove dictionaries, by clicking the New or Delete buttons.

Choosing languages, dictionaries, and options for checking spelling

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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