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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Open the Styles and Formatting window (press F11) and click the second button in the top bar Image:CharStyle3Icon.png. The list of available character styles is displayed. To apply a character style, follow these steps:

  1. Select the block of text where you wish to apply the style.
  2. Double-click the appropriate character style in the Styles and Formatting window.

Some examples include:

This example uses the OOo-supplied Strong Emphasis character style for the word "Definition".

Definition: A statement describing the meaning of a word or phrase.

Image:documentation_note.png One difference between character styles and paragraph styles is the need for selecting text (highlighting). Character styles require you to select the text you want to apply them to; paragraph styles do not.

Unset/undo character styles

Sometimes, you will want to remove the formatting from a block of text. You must resist the temptation to do this manually. This will only cause trouble down the road. There are three easy ways to remove character formatting:

  • Select the block of text and right-click and choose Default Formatting.
  • If you have the Styles and Formatting window open, select the block of text and double-click the Default character style.
  • Select the block of text, then press Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar.
Image:documentation_note.png The first method also works for removing manual formatting.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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