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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Cross‑referencing a table

You can insert a cross‑reference to a captioned table. Clicking on the cross-reference takes the reader directly to the table.

  1. Position the cursor where you want the cross reference.
  2. Select Insert > Cross-reference from the main menu.
  3. Set the Type to Table. A list of captioned tables will be shown in the Selection panel; select the one you want to reference.
  4. In the Format pane, choose how the cross reference will appear.
    • Page creates a reference of the page number that the caption appears on.
    • Chapter places a reference to the chapter number in which the caption appears. This will only produce an empty space unless you have setup your chapter headings with outline level paragraph styles.
    • Reference inserts the entire caption's category, number and caption text as a reference.
    • Above/Below inserts “above” or “below” depending on whether the table appears above or below the cross-reference.
    • As Page Style creates a reference of the page number that the caption appears on using the page style format.
    • Category and Number creates a cross-reference with only the caption's category and number; for example, Table 1 for the first table.
    • Caption Text creates the reference using the caption text, leaving off the category and number.
    • Numbering inserts only the number of the caption.
  5. Click Insert to add the cross-reference and click Close to exit the dialog box.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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