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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Using the Caption dialog box

To add captions using the Caption dialog box:

  1. Insert the graphic, then select it and click Insert > Caption.
  2. Under Properties on the Caption dialog box, make your selections for the Category, Numbering, and Separator fields (Illustration, Arabic (1 2 3), and a colon (:), respectively, for the example below and type your caption text in the Caption text box at the top. Whatever text you enter for the caption appears in the box at the bottom, after the sequence name, number, and separator.
  3. Click OK. The graphic and its caption are placed in a frame.
Defining the caption for an illustration
Image:Tip.png In the Category box, you can type any name you want, for example, Figure. OOo will create a numbering sequence using that name.
Illustration 1. An example

An example of a graphic and its caption contained in a frame. The outer box shows the edge of the frame; this border is normally set to be invisible.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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