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OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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Formatting text can give a presentation a consistent look and a dynamic feel. The appropriate use of formatting can even enhance the audience’s understanding of your message by holding their interest.

Whenever you enter text, either in an AutoLayout text box or in a normal text box, it already comes with an underlying style. Generally this style is the outline level of the point where the text was entered for AutoLayout text boxes or the Default Graphic style for text boxes. Sometimes, as seen also in the Pasting text section, it is very useful to re-apply the baseline style to a selection of text, thus eliminating any manual formatting applied to it (particularly if you made a mistake and you do not know how to undo it). On these occasions, select the manually formatted text, and then select Format > Default formatting from the menu bar.

OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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