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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Customizing toolbars

Using the Alt key to drag icons on the toolbars does not work in 2.0. The other concepts for customizing the toolbars in are similar to those in Microsoft Office. The specific steps are outlined below.

Customizing toolbars

You can get to the toolbar customization menu in three ways:

  • Tools > Customize > Toolbars tab.

  • Click the arrow at the end of any toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar.

  • View > Toolbars > Customize > Toolbars tab (same as Microsoft Office).


However, rather than dragging buttons onto the toolbar as is required in Microsoft Office, you need to use the Customize dialog (Figure 1):

  1. <name of the program (example: Writer)> Toolbars: Activate the drop-down list to select the toolbar.

  2. Toolbar Content: The checkboxes determine whether the button gets displayed or not.

  3. The Move Up or Move Down buttons change the order.

  4. If the function you require is not already listed for the toolbar, use the Add button to insert it.

  5. Use Modify for things like changing an icon, renaming, or restoring the default settings.


There is no in-built tool-button editor. To use a custom icon, save it to the {install path}/share/config/symbol directory in *.bmp format. OOo automatically searches this directory for new icons each time the Customize Buttons dialog is opened. Custom icons must be 16 x 16 pixels in size and cannot contain more than 256 colors.

Creating a new toolbar

To create a new toolbar:

  1. Select Tools > Customize > Toolbars tab.

  2. Click New to display a dialog where you can name the new toolbar. Click OK.

  3. Customize the new toolbar as above.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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