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The Settings Menu

Settings -> Show/Hide Status Bar

Show or hide the Status Bar. The Status Bar shows additional information for selected items and instant calculations of the selected cells.

Settings -> Show/Hide Tab Bar

Show or hide the Tab Bar. All Sheets of the current Document can be accessed through the Tab Bar.

Settings -> Show/Hide Formula Bar

Show or hide the Formula Bar. The Formula Bar can be used to edit the content of the selected cell.

Settings -> Toolbars

Show or hide the toolbars: File , Edit , Navigation , Format and Color/Border .

Settings -> Configure Shortcuts...

Configure the keyboard shortcuts used by KSpread. See the section on configuring shortcuts for more details.

Settings -> Configure Toolbars...

Configure the toolbars. The section on configuring toolbars has more information.

Settings -> Configure KSpread...

General KSpread configuration. See the section on KSpread configuration for more details.

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