Create root/affix combinations not in dictionary
If this box is checked then when KSpread finds a word in
the document which it does not recognize but which consists of a recognized
root word plus a recognized prefix or suffix it will accept it, whereas if
the box is not checked the spell checker will reject it.
Consider run-together words as spelling errors
If this box is checked then common words which are run
together will be considered to be spelling errors, for example
This drop down selection box can be used to select
alternative dictionaries.
To select the character encoding that should be used.
This combo box lets you select between different spell
checking programs that may be present on your computer.
Skip all uppercase words
Check this box if you want the spellchecker to ignore
uppercase words, which are usually acronyms such as KDE.
Do not check title case
Check this box if you want the spellchecker to ignore
the title case, for example My Own Spreadsheet or My own spreadsheet. If this is unchecked, the spell checker will ask for a uppercase letter in the title nouns.