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Change the color of the title text

Let's finish by changing the color of the title text from black to blue. To do so, select the title text by double-clicking the text box and select the text.

Open the Select Color dialog by clicking on the dark blue A icon on the right side of the Text toolbar (this icon has a Color... tooltip) or choose the Text menu and then click on Color... and change the color to blue.

The color palette

Click OK in the Select Color dialog. Changing the color of the selected text to blue changes its appearance. The exact color that highlighted text turns depends on your system color scheme.

Highlighted text

Now click away from the text to de-select it.

The finished title

Now that there are two slides, why not try a slide show! To start the slide show, press the play button (the blue double arrow) on the Slide Show toolbar. The first slide should appear on your screen.

The first slide

To advance from the first slide to the next, just click anywhere on the screen, or use the Page Down key.

The second slide

To exit the slide show, right click, and then select the End option from the popup menu.

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