Let's insert another KOffice object under the picture, for example
a chart.
Every KOffice supported document can be embedded in a KPresenter slide.
Let's choose a chart from KChart. To do so, the first step is to click on the
menu item, and then
A list of the KOffice available components appears as submenu.
and then outline with your mouse the area you
want to put your chart in on the KPresenter slide.
Once you release the mouse button, a blank chart is added on the slide. Whenever
you work in the chart, the toolbars and menubar in KPresenter main window are
replaced by those from KChart.
While you are in the chart, clicking with the right mouse button will bring the
KChart settings menu which allows you to modify the parameters of the chart.
Please see the KChart user manual to get more information on how to use
Click anywhere with the left mouse button outside the chart to go back to
KPresenter slide.
A single click on the chart will allow you to drag it to change its
location and also to drag the borders to make it bigger as with any other
KPresenter object. Double click on the chart to get into KChart mode and
modify any of the chart property.