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9.17. IKEv2 decryption table

Wireshark can decrypt Encrypted Payloads of IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) packets if necessary information is provided. Note that you can decrypt only IKEv2 packets with this feature. If you want to decrypt IKEv1 packets or ESP packets, use Log Filename setting under ISAKMP protocol preference or settings under ESP protocol preference respectively.

This table is handled by an Section 9.7, “User Table” with the following fields.

Initiator's SPI

Initiator's SPI of the IKE_SA. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and the length must be 16 hex chars (represents 8 octets).

Responder's SPI

Responder's SPI of the IKE_SA. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and the length must be 16 hex chars (represents 8 octets).


Key used to encrypt/decrypt IKEv2 packets from initiator to responder. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and its length must meet the requirement of the encryption algorithm selected.


Key used to encrypt/decrypt IKEv2 packets from responder to initiator. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and its length must meet the requirement of the encryption algorithm selected.

Encryption Algorithm

Encryption algorithm of the IKE_SA.


Key used to calculate Integrity Checksum Data for IKEv2 packets from responder to initiator. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and its length must meet the requirement of the integrity algorithm selected.


Key used to calculate Integrity Checksum Data for IKEv2 packets from initiator to responder. This field takes hexadecimal string without "0x" prefix and its length must meet the requirement of the integrity algorithm selected.

Integrity Algorithm

Integrity algorithm of the IKE_SA.

  Published under the terms fo the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire