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Part I. Wireshark Build Environment

Part I. Wireshark Build Environment

The first part describes how to set up the tools, libraries and source needed to generate Wireshark, and how to do some typical development tasks.

Part II. Wireshark Development

The second part describes how the Wireshark sources are structured and how to change the sources (e.g. adding a new dissector).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. What is Wireshark?
1.3. Platforms Wireshark runs on
1.3.1. Unix
1.3.2. Linux
1.3.3. Microsoft Windows
1.4. Development and maintenance of Wireshark
1.4.1. Programming language(s) used
1.4.2. Open Source Software
1.5. Releases and distributions
1.5.1. Binary distributions
1.5.2. Source code distributions
1.6. Automated Builds (Buildbot)
1.6.1. Advantages
1.6.2. What does the Buildbot do?
1.7. Reporting problems and getting help
1.7.1. Website
1.7.2. Wiki
1.7.3. FAQ
1.7.4. Other sources
1.7.5. Mailing Lists
1.7.6. Bug database (Bugzilla)
1.7.7. Reporting Problems
1.7.8. Reporting Crashes on UNIX/Linux platforms
1.7.9. Reporting Crashes on Windows platforms
2. Quick Setup
2.1. UNIX: Installation
2.2. Win32: Step-by-Step Guide
2.2.1. Install Microsoft C compiler and Platform SDK
2.2.2. Install Cygwin
2.2.3. Install Python
2.2.4. Install Subversion Client
2.2.5. Install and Prepare Sources
2.2.6. Prepare cmd.exe
2.2.7. Verify installed tools
2.2.8. Install Libraries
2.2.9. Distclean Sources
2.2.10. Build Wireshark
2.2.11. Debug Environment Setup (XXX)
2.2.12. Optional: Create User's and Developer's Guide
2.2.13. Optional: Create a Wireshark Installer
3. Work with the Wireshark sources
3.1. Introduction
3.2. The Wireshark Subversion repository
3.2.1. The web interface to the Subversion repository
3.3. Obtain the Wireshark sources
3.3.1. Anonymous Subversion access
3.3.2. Anonymous Subversion web interface
3.3.3. Buildbot Snapshots
3.3.4. Released sources
3.4. Update the Wireshark sources
3.4.1. ... with Anonymous Subversion access
3.4.2. ... from zip files
3.5. Build Wireshark
3.5.1. Unix
3.5.2. Win32 native
3.6. Run generated Wireshark
3.7. Debug your generated Wireshark
3.7.1. Win32 native
3.8. Make changes to the Wireshark sources
3.9. Contribute your changes
3.9.1. What is a diff file (a patch)?
3.9.2. Generate a patch
3.9.3. Some tips for a good patch
3.9.4. Code Requirements
3.9.5. Sending your patch for inclusion
3.10. Apply a patch from someone else
3.10.1. Using patch
3.10.2. CVS diff (obsolete)
3.11. Add a new file to the Subversion repository
3.12. Binary packaging
3.12.1. Debian: .deb packages
3.12.2. Red Hat: .rpm packages
3.12.3. Win32: NSIS .exe installer
4. Tool Reference
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Win32: Cygwin
4.2.1. Add/Update/Remove Cygwin Packages
4.3. GNU compiler toolchain (UNIX or Win32 Cygwin)
4.3.1. gcc (GNU compiler collection)
4.3.2. gdb (GNU project debugger)
4.3.3. ddd (GNU Data Display Debugger)
4.3.4. make (GNU Make)
4.4. Microsoft compiler toolchain (Win32 native)
4.4.1. Toolchain Package Alternatives
4.4.2. Legal issues with MSVC > V6?
4.4.3. cl.exe (C Compiler)
4.4.4. nmake.exe (Make)
4.4.5. link.exe (Linker)
4.4.6. C-Runtime "Redistributable" files
4.4.7. Windows (Platform) SDK
4.4.8. HTML Help
4.4.9. Debugger
4.5. bash
4.5.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: GNU bash
4.5.2. Win32 native: -
4.6. python
4.6.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: python
4.6.2. Win32 native: python
4.7. perl
4.7.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: perl
4.7.2. Win32 native: perl
4.8. sed
4.8.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: sed
4.8.2. Win32 native: sed
4.9. yacc (bison)
4.9.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: bison
4.9.2. Win32 native: bison
4.10. flex
4.10.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: flex
4.10.2. Win32 native: flex
4.11. Subversion (SVN) client (optional)
4.11.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: svn
4.11.2. Win32 native: svn
4.12. Subversion (SVN) GUI client (optional)
4.12.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: rapidSVN, subcommander
4.12.2. Win32 native: TortoiseSVN
4.13. diff (optional)
4.13.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: GNU diff
4.13.2. Win32 native: diff
4.14. patch (optional)
4.14.1. UNIX or Win32 Cygwin: patch
4.14.2. Win32 native: patch
4.15. Win32: GNU wget (optional)
4.16. Win32: GNU unzip (optional)
4.17. Win32: NSIS (optional)
5. Library Reference
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Binary library formats
5.2.1. Unix
5.2.2. Win32: MSVC
5.2.3. Win32: cygwin gcc
5.3. Win32: Automated library download
5.3.1. Initial download
5.3.2. Update of a previous download
5.4. GTK+ / GLib / GDK / Pango / ATK / GNU gettext / GNU libiconv
5.4.1. Unix
5.4.2. Win32 MSVC
5.5. SMI (optional)
5.5.1. Unix
5.5.2. Win32 MSVC
5.6. GNU adns (optional)
5.6.1. Unix
5.6.2. Win32 MSVC
5.7. PCRE (optional)
5.7.1. Unix
5.7.2. Win32 MSVC
5.8. zlib (optional)
5.8.1. Unix
5.8.2. Win32 MSVC
5.9. libpcap/WinPcap (optional)
5.9.1. Unix: libpcap
5.9.2. Win32 MSVC: WinPcap
5.10. GnuTLS (optional)
5.10.1. Unix
5.10.2. Win32 MSVC
5.11. Gcrypt (optional)
5.11.1. Unix
5.11.2. Win32 MSVC
5.12. Kerberos (optional)
5.12.1. Unix
5.12.2. Win32 MSVC
5.13. LUA (optional)
5.13.1. Unix
5.13.2. Win32 MSVC
5.14. PortAudio (optional)
5.14.1. Unix
5.14.2. Win32 MSVC

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