Samba-3 Implementation Choices
Authentication Database/Backend
Samba-3 can use an external authentication backend:
Winbind (external Samba or NT4/200x server).
External server could use Active Directory or NT4 domain.
Can use pam_mkhomedir.so to autocreate home directories.
Samba-3 can use a local authentication backend:
Access Control Points
Samba permits Access Control points to be set:
On the share itself using share ACLs.
On the file system using UNIX permissions on files and directories.
Note: Can enable Posix ACLs in file system also.
Through Samba share parameters not recommended except as last resort.
Policies (migrate or create new ones)
Exercise great caution when making registry changes; use the right tool and be aware
that changes made through NT4-style NTConfig.POL files can leave
permanent changes.
User and Group Profiles
Platform-specific, so use platform tool to change from a local to a roaming profile.
Can use new profiles tool to change SIDs (NTUser.DAT ).
Logon Scripts
Know how they work.
User and Group Mapping to UNIX/Linux
User and group mapping code is new. Many problems have been experienced as network administrators
who are familiar with Samba-2.2.x migrate to Samba-3. Carefully study the chapters that document
the new password backend behavior and the new group mapping functionality.
username map
facility may be needed.
net groupmap
to connect NT4 groups to UNIX groups.
to set/change user configuration.
When migrating to LDAP backend, it may be easier to dump the initial
LDAP database to LDIF, edit, then reload into LDAP.
OS-Specific Scripts/Programs May be Needed
Every operating system has its peculiarities. These are the result of engineering decisions
that were based on the experience of the designer and may have side effects that were not
anticipated. Limitations that may bite the Windows network administrator include:
Add/Delete Users: Note OS limits on size of name
(Linux 8 chars, NT4 up to 254 chars).
Add/Delete Machines: Applied only to domain members
(Note: machine names may be limited to 16 characters).
net groupmap
to connect NT4 groups to UNIX groups.
Add/Delete Groups: Note OS limits on size and nature.
Linux limit is 16 char, no spaces, and no uppercase chars (
Migration Tools
Domain Control (NT4-Style) Profiles, Policies, Access Controls, Security
net, rpcclient, smbpasswd, pdbedit, profiles
NT4 Domain User Manager, Server Manager (NEXUS)