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Samba HowTo Guide
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Why Is This So Hard?

In short, the problem is one of state .

  • All TCP/IP connections are dependent on state information.

    The TCP connection involves a packet sequence number. This sequence number would need to be dynamically updated on all machines in the cluster to effect seamless TCP failover.

  • CIFS/SMB (the Windows networking protocols) uses TCP connections.

    This means that from a basic design perspective, failover is not seriously considered.

    • All current SMB clusters are failover solutions they rely on the clients to reconnect. They provide server failover, but clients can lose information due to a server failure.

  • Servers keep state information about client connections.

    • CIFS/SMB involves a lot of state.

    • Every file open must be compared with other open files to check share modes.

The Front-End Challenge

To make it possible for a cluster of file servers to appear as a single server that has one name and one IP address, the incoming TCP data streams from clients must be processed by the front-end virtual server. This server must de-multiplex the incoming packets at the SMB protocol layer level and then feed the SMB packet to different servers in the cluster.

One could split all IPC$ connections and RPC calls to one server to handle printing and user lookup requirements. RPC printing handles are shared between different IPC4 sessions it is hard to split this across clustered servers!

Conceptually speaking, all other servers would then provide only file services. This is a simpler problem to concentrate on.

Demultiplexing SMB Requests

De-multiplexing of SMB requests requires knowledge of SMB state information, all of which must be held by the front-end virtual server. This is a perplexing and complicated problem to solve.

Windows XP and later have changed semantics so state information (vuid, tid, fid) must match for a successful operation. This makes things simpler than before and is a positive step forward.

SMB requests are sent by vuid to their associated server. No code exists today to effect this solution. This problem is conceptually similar to the problem of correctly handling requests from multiple requests from Windows 2000 Terminal Server in Samba.

One possibility is to start by exposing the server pool to clients directly. This could eliminate the de-multiplexing step.

The Distributed File System Challenge

There exists many distributed file systems for UNIX and Linux.

Many could be adopted to backend our cluster, so long as awareness of SMB semantics is kept in mind (share modes, locking, and oplock issues in particular). Common free distributed file systems include:

  • NFS

  • AFS

  • OpenGFS

  • Lustre

The server pool (cluster) can use any distributed file system backend if all SMB semantics are performed within this pool.

Restrictive Constraints on Distributed File Systems

Where a clustered server provides purely SMB services, oplock handling may be done within the server pool without imposing a need for this to be passed to the backend file system pool.

On the other hand, where the server pool also provides NFS or other file services, it will be essential that the implementation be oplock-aware so it can interoperate with SMB services. This is a significant challenge today. A failure to provide this interoperability will result in a significant loss of performance that will be sorely noted by users of Microsoft Windows clients.

Last, all state information must be shared across the server pool.

Server Pool Communications

Most backend file systems support POSIX file semantics. This makes it difficult to push SMB semantics back into the file system. POSIX locks have different properties and semantics from SMB locks.

All smbd processes in the server pool must of necessity communicate very quickly. For this, the current tdb file structure that Samba uses is not suitable for use across a network. Clustered smbd s must use something else.

Server Pool Communications Demands

High-speed interserver communications in the server pool is a design prerequisite for a fully functional system. Possibilities for this include:

  • Proprietary shared memory bus (example: Myrinet or SCI [scalable coherent interface]). These are high-cost items.

  • Gigabit Ethernet (now quite affordable).

  • Raw Ethernet framing (to bypass TCP and UDP overheads).

We have yet to identify metrics for performance demands to enable this to happen effectively.

Required Modifications to Samba

Samba needs to be significantly modified to work with a high-speed server interconnect system to permit transparent failover clustering.

Particular functions inside Samba that will be affected include:

  • The locking database, oplock notifications, and the share mode database.

  • Failure semantics need to be defined. Samba behaves the same way as Windows. When oplock messages fail, a file open request is allowed, but this is potentially dangerous in a clustered environment. So how should interserver pool failure semantics function, and how should such functionality be implemented?

  • Should this be implemented using a point-to-point lock manager, or can this be done using multicast techniques?

Samba HowTo Guide
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