Network Logon Script Magic
There are several opportunities for creating a custom network startup configuration environment.
No Logon Script.
Simple universal Logon Script that applies to all users.
Use of a conditional Logon Script that applies per-user or per-group attributes.
Use of Samba's preexec and postexec functions on access to the NETLOGON share to create
a custom logon script and then execute it.
User of a tool such as KixStart.
The Samba source code tree includes two logon script generation/execution tools.
See examples directory genlogon and
ntlogon subdirectories.
The following listings are from the genlogon directory.
This is the genlogon.pl file:
# genlogon.pl
# Perl script to generate user logon scripts on the fly, when users
# connect from a Windows client. This script should be called from
# smb.conf with the %U, %G and %L parameters. I.e:
# root preexec = genlogon.pl %U %G %L
# The script generated will perform
# the following:
# 1. Log the user connection to /var/log/samba/netlogon.log
# 2. Set the PC's time to the Linux server time (which is maintained
# daily to the National Institute of Standards Atomic clock on the
# internet.
# 3. Connect the user's home drive to H: (H for Home).
# 4. Connect common drives that everyone uses.
# 5. Connect group-specific drives for certain user groups.
# 6. Connect user-specific drives for certain users.
# 7. Connect network printers.
# Log client connection
#($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
open LOG, ">>/var/log/samba/netlogon.log";
print LOG "$mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec";
print LOG " - User $ARGV[0] logged into $ARGV[1]\n";
close LOG;
# Start generating logon script
open LOGON, ">/shared/netlogon/$ARGV[0].bat";
print LOGON "\@ECHO OFF\r\n";
# Connect shares just use by Software Development group
if ($ARGV[1] eq "SOFTDEV" || $ARGV[0] eq "softdev")
print LOGON "NET USE M: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\SOURCE\r\n";
# Connect shares just use by Technical Support staff
if ($ARGV[1] eq "SUPPORT" || $ARGV[0] eq "support")
print LOGON "NET USE S: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\SUPPORT\r\n";
# Connect shares just used by Administration staff
If ($ARGV[1] eq "ADMIN" || $ARGV[0] eq "admin")
print LOGON "NET USE L: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\ADMIN\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE K: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\MKTING\r\n";
# Now connect Printers. We handle just two or three users a little
# differently, because they are the exceptions that have desktop
# printers on LPT1: - all other user's go to the LaserJet on the
# server.
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'jim'
|| $ARGV[0] eq 'yvonne')
print LOGON "NET USE LPT2: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\LJET3\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE LPT3: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\FAXQ\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE LPT1: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\LJET3\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE LPT3: \\\\$ARGV[2]\\FAXQ\r\n";
# All done! Close the output file.
close LOGON;
Those wishing to use a more elaborate or capable logon processing system should check out these sites: