Print Queue Called “lp” Mishandles Print Jobs
In this case a print queue called “lp” intermittently swallows jobs and
spits out completely different ones from what was sent.
It is a bad idea to name any printer “lp”. This is the traditional UNIX name for the default
printer. CUPS may be set up to do an automatic creation of Implicit Classes. This means, to group all printers
with the same name to a pool of devices and load-balance the jobs across them in a round-robin fashion.
Chances are high that someone else has a printer named “lp” too. You may receive that person's
jobs and send your own to his or her device unwittingly. To have tight control over the printer names, set
BrowseShortNames No
. It will present any printer as
, which gives you better control over what may happen in a
large networked environment.