Additional Client Driver Installation
Every additional driver may be installed in the same way as just described. Browse
, open the Printers folder on Samba server, right-click on
Printer, and choose . Once this completes (should be
not more than a few seconds, but could also take a minute, depending on network conditions), you should find
the new printer in your client workstation local Printers and Faxes folder.
You can also open your local Printers and Faxes folder by
using this command on Windows 200x/XP Professional workstations:
rundll32 shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder
or this command on Windows NT 4.0 workstations:
rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL MAIN.CPL @2
You can enter the commands either inside a DOS box window or in the field from the menu.