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Samba HowTo Guide
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Problems with LDAP ldapsam and Older Versions of smbldap-tools

If you use the smbldap-useradd script to create a trust account to set up interdomain trusts, the process of setting up the trust will fail. The account that was created in the LDAP database will have an account flags field that has [W ], when it must have [I ] for interdomain trusts to work.

Here is a simple solution. Create a machine account as follows:

root#  smbldap-useradd -w domain_name

Then set the desired trust account password as shown here:

root#  smbldap-passwd domain_name\$

Using a text editor, create the following file:

dn: uid=domain_name$,ou=People,dc={your-domain},dc={your-top-level-domain}
changetype: modify
sambaAcctFlags: [I         ]

Then apply the text file to the LDAP database as follows:

root#  ldapmodify -x -h localhost \
 -D "cn=Manager,dc={your-domain},dc={your-top-level-domain}" \
 -W -f /path-to/foobar

Create a single-sided trust under the NT4 Domain User Manager, then execute:

root#  net rpc trustdom establish domain_name

It works with Samba-3 and NT4 domains, and also with Samba-3 and Windows 200x ADS in mixed mode. Both domain controllers, Samba and NT must have the same WINS server; otherwise, the trust will never work.

Samba HowTo Guide
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