Samba maps some of the DOS attribute bits (such as “read-only”)
into the UNIX permissions of a file. This means there can
be a conflict between the permission bits set via the security
dialog and the permission bits set by the file attribute mapping.
If a file has no UNIX read access for the owner, it will show up
as “read-only” in the standard file attributes tabbed dialog.
Unfortunately, this dialog is the same one that contains the security information
in another tab.
What this can mean is that if the owner changes the permissions
to allow himself or herself read access using the security dialog, clicks on
OK to get back to the standard attributes tab
dialog, and clicks on OK on that dialog, then
NT will set the file permissions back to read-only (as that is what
the attributes still say in the dialog). This means that after setting
permissions and clicking on OK to get back to the
attributes dialog, you should always press Cancel
rather than OK to ensure that your changes
are not overridden.