Do not use more than one protocol on MS Windows clients.
Every NetBIOS machine takes part in a process of electing the LMB (and DMB)
every 15 minutes. A set of election criteria is used to determine the order
of precedence for winning this election process. A machine running Samba or
Windows NT will be biased, so the most suitable machine will predictably
win and thus retain its role.
The election process is
fought out, so to speak
over every NetBIOS network interface. In
the case of a Windows 9x/Me machine that has both TCP/IP and IPX installed and has NetBIOS enabled over both
protocols, the election will be decided over both protocols. As often happens, if the Windows 9x/Me machine is
the only one with both protocols, then the LMB may be won on the NetBIOS interface over the IPX protocol.
Samba will then lose the LMB role because Windows 9x/Me will insist it knows who the LMB is. Samba will then
cease to function as an LMB, and browse list operation on all TCP/IP-only machines will therefore fail.
Windows 95, 98, 98se, and Me are referred to generically as Windows 9x/Me.
The Windows NT4, 200x, and XP use common protocols. These are roughly
referred to as the Windows NT family, but it should be recognized that 2000 and
XP/2003 introduce new protocol extensions that cause them to behave
differently from MS Windows NT4. Generally, where a server does not support
the newer or extended protocol, these will fall back to the NT4 protocols.
The safest rule of all to follow is: Use only one protocol!