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Linux NIS / NIS+ Tutorial
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8.2. Setting up a NIS+ client

IMPORTANT: For setting up a NIS+ client read your Solaris NIS+ docs what to do on the server side! This document only describes what to do on the client side!

After installing the new libc and nis-tools, create the credentials for the new client on the NIS+ server. Make sure portmap is running. Then check if your Linux PC has the same time as the NIS+ Server. For secure RPC, you have only a small window from about 3 minutes, in which the credentials are valid. A good idea is to run xntpd on every host. After this, run

domainname nisplus.domain.
nisinit -c -H <NIS+ server>

to initialize the cold start file. Read the nisinit man page for more options. Make sure that the domainname will always be set after a reboot. If you don't know what the NIS+ domain name is on your network, ask your system/network administrator.

Now you should change your /etc/nsswitch.conf file. Make sure that the only service after publickey is nisplus ("publickey: nisplus"), and nothing else!

Then start keyserv and make sure, that it will always be started as first daemon after portmap at boot time. Run

keylogin -r
to store the root secretkey on your system. (I hope you have added the publickey for the new host on the NIS+ Server?).

niscat passwd.org_dir should now show you all entries in the passwd database.

Linux NIS / NIS+ Tutorial
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