The following example locally handles all requests for files with
extensions .gif, .jpg,
.png, .css,
.txt, and .cgi and relative
URIs starting with /cgi-bin (e.g., if you want
some scripts to be executed under mod_cgi), and rewrites everything
else to the mod_perl server. That is, first handle locally what you
want to handle locally, then hand off everything else to the backend
guy. Notice that we assume that there are no static HTML files. If
you have any of those, adjust the rules to handle HTML files as well.
RewriteEngine On
# handle static files and traditional CGIs directly
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png|css|txt|cgi)$ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin - [last]
# pass off everything but images to the heavy-weight server via proxy
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://localhost:4077/$1 [proxy]
This is the configuration of the logging facilities:
RewriteLogLevel 1
RewriteLog "| /home/httpd/httpd_docs/bin/rotatelogs \
/home/httpd/httpd_docs/logs/r_log 86400"
It says to log all the rewrites through the Unix process pipe to the
rotatelogs utility, which will rotate the logs
every 24 hours (86,400 seconds).
As another example, here's how to redirect all those
Internet Explorer 5 (IE5) requests for
favicon.ico to a central image:
RewriteRule .*favicon.ico /wherever/favicon.ico [passthrough]
The passthrough flag tells mod_rewrite to set the
URI of the request to the value of the rewritten filename
/whatever/favicon.ico, so that any other
rewriting directives, such as Alias, still apply.
Here's a quick way to make dynamic pages look static:
RewriteRule ^/wherever/([a-zA-Z]+).html /perl/$ [passthrough]
passthrough is used again so that the URI is
properly rewritten and any ScriptAlias or other
directives applying to /perl will be carried
Instead of keeping all your Perl scripts in
/perl and your static content everywhere else,
you could keep your static content in special directories and keep
your Perl scripts everywhere else. You can still use the light/heavy
Apache separation approach described earlier, with a few minor
In the light Apache's
httpd.conf file, turn rewriting on:
RewriteEngine On
Now list all directories that contain only static objects. For
example, if the only directories relative to
DocumentRoot are /images and
/style, you can set the following rule:
RewriteRule ^/(images|style) - [last]
The [last] flag means that the rewrite engine
should stop if it has a match. This is necessary because the very
last rewrite rule proxies everything to the heavy server:
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [proxy]
This line is the difference between a server for which static content
is the default and one for which dynamic (Perlish) content is the
You should also add the reverse rewrite rule, as before:
ProxyPassReverse /
so that the user doesn't see the port number :8000
in the browser's location window in cases where the
heavy server issues a redirect.
It is possible to use localhost in the
RewriteRule above if the heavy and light servers
are on the same machine. So if we sum up the above setup, we get:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(images|style) - [last]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [proxy]
ProxyPassReverse /
In the next example, we use mod_rewrite's
env flag to set an environment variable only for
proxied requests. This variable can later be used by other
RewriteRule ^/(images|style) - [last]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [env=dyn:1,proxy]
ProxyPassReverse /
We could use this environment variable to turn off logging for
dynamic requests:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
CustomLog logs/access_log common env=!dyn