KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
you have a real performance penalty, since after completing the
processing for each request, the process will wait for
KeepAliveTimeoutseconds before closing the
connection and will therefore not be serving other requests during
this time. With this configuration you will need many more concurrent
processes on a server with high traffic.
If you use the mod_status or Apache::VMonitor
server status reporting tools, you will see a process in
K state when it's in
You will probably want to switch this feature off:
KeepAlive Off
The other two directives don't matter if
KeepAlive is Off.
However, you might consider enabling KeepAlive if
the client's browser needs to request more than one
object from your mod_perl server for a single HTML page. If this is
the situation, by setting KeepAlive
On, for every object rendered in the HTML page on
the client's browser you save the HTTP connection
overhead for all requests but the first one.
For example, if the only thing your mod_perl server does is process
ads, and each of your pages has 10 or more banner ads (which is not
uncommon today), your server will work more efficiently if a single
process serves them all during a single connection. However, your
client will see a slightly slower response, since the banners will be
brought one at a time and not concurrently, as is the case if each
<img> tag opens a separate connection.
SSL connections benefit the most from KeepAlive if
you don't configure the server to cache session IDs.
See the mod_ssl documentation for how to do this.
You have probably followed our advice to send all the requests for
static objects to a plain Apache (proxy/accelerator) server. Since
most pages include more than one unique static image, you should keep
the default KeepAlivesetting of the non-mod_perl
server (i.e., keep it On). It will probably also
be a good idea to reduce the KeepAliveTimeout to 1
or 2 seconds—a client is going to send a new request on the
KeepAlive connection immediately, and the first
bits of the request should reach the server within this limit, so
wait only for the maximum latency of a modem connection plus a little
bit more.
Another option is for the proxy/accelerator to keep the connection
open to the client but make individual connections to the server,
read the responses, buffer them for sending to the client, and close
the server connection. Obviously, you would make new connections to
the server as required by the client's requests.
 |  |  |
11.3. Setting MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, and StartServers |  | 11.5. PerlSetupEnv |