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Postfix Documentation
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Protocol description

The Postfix policy delegation protocol is really simple. The client request is a sequence of name=value attributes separated by newline, and is terminated by an empty line. The server reply is one name=value attribute and it, too, is terminated by an empty line.

Here is an example of all the attributes that the Postfix SMTP server sends in a delegated SMTPD access policy request:

Postfix version 2.2 and later:
Postfix version 2.3 and later:
[empty line]


  • The "request" attribute is required. In this example the request type is "smtpd_access_policy".

  • The order of the attributes does not matter. The policy server should ignore any attributes that it does not care about.

  • When the same attribute name is sent more than once, the server may keep the first value or the last attribute value.

  • When an attribute value is unavailable, the client either does not send the attribute, sends the attribute with an empty value ("name="), or sends a zero value ("name=0") in the case of a numerical attribute.

  • The "recipient" attribute is available only in the "RCPT TO" stage, and in the "DATA" and "END-OF-MESSAGE" stages when Postfix accepted only one recipient for the current message.

  • The "recipient_count" attribute (Postfix 2.3 and later) is non-zero only in the "DATA" and "END-OF-MESSAGE" stages. It specifies the number of recipients that Postfix accepted for the current message.

  • The client address is an IPv4 dotted quad in the form or it is an IPv6 address in the form 1:2:3::4:5:6.

  • For a discussion of the differences between reverse and verified client_name information, see the reject_unknown_client_hostname discussion in the postconf(5) document.

  • An attribute name must not contain "=", null or newline, and an attribute value must not contain null or newline.

  • The "instance" attribute value can be used to correlate different requests regarding the same message delivery.

  • The "size" attribute value specifies the message size that the client specified in the MAIL FROM command (zero if none was specified). With Postfix 2.2 and later, it specifies the actual message size when the client sends the END-OF-DATA command.

  • The "sasl_*" attributes (Postfix 2.2 and later) specify information about how the client was authenticated via SASL. These attributes are empty in case of no SASL authentication.

  • The "ccert_*" attributes (Postfix 2.2 and later) specify information about how the client was authenticated via TLS. These attributes are empty in case of no certificate authentication. As of Postfix 2.2.11 these attribute values are encoded as xtext: some characters are represented by +XX, where XX is the two-digit hecadecimal representation of the character value.

  • The "encryption_*" attributes (Postfix 2.3 and later) specify information about how the connection is encrypted. With plaintext connections the protocol and cipher attributes are empty and the keysize is zero.

  • The "etrn_domain" attribute is defined only in the context of the ETRN command, and specifies the ETRN command parameter.

The following is specific to SMTPD delegated policy requests:

  • Protocol names are ESMTP or SMTP.

  • Protocol states are CONNECT, EHLO, HELO, MAIL, RCPT, DATA, END-OF-MESSAGE, VRFY or ETRN; these are the SMTP protocol states where the Postfix SMTP server makes an OK/REJECT/HOLD/etc. decision.

The policy server replies with any action that is allowed in a Postfix SMTPD access(5) table. Example:

defer_if_permit Service temporarily unavailable
[empty line]

This causes the Postfix SMTP server to reject the request with a 450 temporary error code and with text "Service temporarily unavailable", if the Postfix SMTP server finds no reason to reject the request permanently.

In case of trouble the policy server must not send a reply. Instead the server must log a warning and disconnect. Postfix will retry the request at some later time.

Postfix Documentation
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