Postfix has several features that aid in SMTP access rule
This is a safety net that changes
SMTP server REJECT actions into DEFER (try again later) actions.
This keeps mail queued that would otherwise be returned to the
sender. Specify "
soft_bounce = yes" in the
main.cf file to prevent
the Postfix SMTP server from rejecting mail permanently, by changing
all 5xx SMTP reply codes into 4xx.
This is a different safety net
that changes SMTP server REJECT actions into warnings. Instead of
rejecting a command, Postfix logs what it would reject. Specify
warn_if_reject" in an SMTP access restriction list, before the
restriction that you want to test without actually rejecting mail.
With this Postfix 2.1 feature, authorized
SMTP clients can impersonate other systems, so that you can do
realistic SMTP access rule tests. Examples of how to impersonate
other systems for access rule testing are given at the end of the