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Postfix Documentation
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Restrictions that apply to all SMTP mail

Besides the restrictions that can be made configurable per client or per user as described in the next section, Postfix implements a few restrictions that apply to all SMTP mail.

  • The built-in header_checks and body_checks content restrictions, as described in the BUILTIN_FILTER_README document. This happens while Postfix receives mail, before it is stored in the incoming queue.

  • The external before-queue content restrictions, as described in the SMTPD_PROXY_README document. This happens while Postfix receives mail, before it is stored in the incoming queue.

  • Requiring that the client sends the HELO or EHLO command before sending the MAIL FROM or ETRN command. This may cause problems with home-grown applications that send mail. For this reason, the requirement is disabled by default (" smtpd_helo_required = no").

  • Disallowing illegal syntax in MAIL FROM or RCPT TO commands. This may cause problems with home-grown applications that send mail, and with ancient PC mail clients. For this reason, the requirement is disabled by default (" strict_rfc821_envelopes = no").

    • Disallowing RFC 822 address syntax (example: "MAIL FROM: the dude <>").

    • Disallowing addresses that are not enclosed with <> (example: "MAIL FROM:").

  • Rejecting mail from a non-existent sender address. This form of egress filtering helps to slow down worms and other malware, but may cause problems with home-grown software that sends out mail software with an unreplyable address. For this reason the requirement is disabled by default (" smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = no").

  • Rejecting mail for a non-existent recipient address. This form of ingress filtering helps to keep the mail queue free of undeliverable MAILER-DAEMON messages. This requirement is enabled by default (" smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes").

Postfix Documentation
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