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Postfix Documentation
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How Postfix uses SASL authentication information

Postfix SASL support ( RFC 2554) can be used to authenticate remote SMTP clients to the Postfix SMTP server, and to authenticate the Postfix SMTP client to a remote SMTP server.

When receiving mail, Postfix logs the client-provided username, authentication method, and sender address to the maillog file, and optionally grants mail access via the permit_sasl_authenticated UCE restriction.

When sending mail, Postfix can look up the server hostname or destination domain (the address right-hand part) in a Postfix SASL password table, and if a username/password is found, it will use that username and password to authenticate to the server. And as of version 2.3, Postfix can be configured to search its SASL password table by the sender email address.

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