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Postfix Documentation
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Postfix Per-Client/User/etc. Access Control

Postfix restriction classes

The Postfix SMTP server supports access restrictions such as reject_rbl_client or reject_unknown_client_hostname on the right-hand side of SMTP server access(5) tables. This allows you to implement different junk mail restrictions for different clients or users.

Having to specify lists of access restrictions for every recipient becomes tedious quickly. Postfix restriction classes allow you to give easy-to-remember names to groups of UCE restrictions (such as "permissive", "restrictive", and so on).

The real reason for the existence of Postfix restriction classes is more mundane: you can't specify a lookup table on the right-hand side of a Postfix access table. This is because Postfix needs to open lookup tables ahead of time, but the reader probably does not care about these low-level details.


smtpd_restriction_classes = restrictive, permissive
    # With Postfix < 2.3 specify 
    restrictive = 
reject_unknown_client_hostname ...
    permissive = permit

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = 
check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access

    joe@my.domain	permissive
    jane@my.domain	restrictive

With this in place, you can use "restrictive" or "permissive" on the right-hand side of your per-client, helo, sender, or recipient SMTPD access tables.

The remainder of this document gives examples of how Postfix access restriction classes can be used to:

These questions come up frequently, and the examples hopefully make clear that Postfix restriction classes aren't really the right solution. They should be used for what they were designed to do, different junk mail restrictions for different clients or users.

Postfix Documentation
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