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Postfix Documentation
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Local recipient table format

If you use local files in postmap(1) format, then local_recipient_maps expects the following table format:

  • In the left-hand side, specify a bare username, an "@domain.tld" wild-card, or specify a complete "user@domain.tld" address.

  • You have to specify something on the right-hand side of the table, but the value is ignored by local_recipient_maps.

If you use lookup tables based on NIS, LDAP, MYSQL, or PGSQL, then local_recipient_maps does the same queries as for local files in postmap(1) format, and expects the same results.

With regular expression tables, Postfix only queries with the full recipient address, and not with the bare username or the "@domain.tld" wild-card.

NOTE: a lookup table should always return a result when the address exists, and should always return "not found" when the address does not exist. In particular, a zero-length result does not count as a "not found" result.

Postfix Documentation
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