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Postfix Documentation
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Postfix IPv6 Support


Postfix 2.2 introduces support for the IPv6 (IP version 6) protocol. IPv6 support for older Postfix versions was available as an add-on patch. The section " Compatibility with Postfix <2.2 IPv6 support" below discusses the differences between these implementations.

The main feature of interest is that IPv6 uses 128-bit IP addresses instead of the 32-bit addresses used by IPv4. It can therefore accommodate a much larger number of hosts and networks without ugly kluges such as NAT. A side benefit of the much larger address space is that it makes random network scanning impractical.

Postfix uses the same SMTP protocol over IPv6 as it already uses over the older IPv4 network, and does AAAA record lookups in the DNS in addition to the older A records. Information about IPv6 can be found at

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