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Postfix Documentation
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Reporting problems to [email protected]

The people who participate on [email protected] are very helpful, especially if YOU provide them with sufficient information. Remember, these volunteers are willing to help, but their time is limited.

When reporting a problem, be sure to include the following information.

  • A summary of the problem. Please do not just send some logging without explanation of what YOU believe is wrong.

  • Complete error messages. Please use cut-and-paste, or use attachments, instead of reciting information from memory.

  • Postfix logging. See the text at the top of the DEBUG_README document to find out where logging is stored. Please do not frustrate the helpers by word wrapping the logging.

  • Consider using a test email address so that you don't have to reveal email addresses or passwords of innocent people.

  • If you can't use a test email address, please anonymize information consistently. Replace each letter by "A", each digit by "D" so that the helpers can still recognize syntactical errors.

  • Output from "postconf -n". Please do not send your file or 400+ lines of postconf output.

  • Better, provide output from the postfinger tool. This can be found at

  • If the problem is SASL related, consider including the output from the saslfinger tool. This can be found at

  • If the problem is about too much mail in the queue, consider including output from the qshape tool, as described in the QSHAPE_README file.

  • If the problem is protocol related (connections time out or an SMTP server complains about syntax errors etc.) consider recording a session with tcpdump, as described in the DEBUG_README document.

Postfix Documentation
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