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Postfix Documentation
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Building Postfix on Linux systems with multiple Berkeley DB versions

Some Linux systems ship with multiple Berkeley DB implementations. Normally, Postfix builds with the default DB version that ships with the system.

Warning: some Linux system libraries use Berkeley DB. If you compile Postfix with a non-default Berkeley DB implementation, then every Postfix program will dump core because either the system library or Postfix itself ends up using the wrong version.

On Linux, you need to edit the makedefs script in order to specify a non-default DB library. The reason is that the location of the default db.h include file changes randomly between vendors and between versions, so that Postfix has to choose the file for you.

Warning: the file format produced by Berkeley DB version 1 is not compatible with that of versions 2 and 3 (versions 2 and 3 have the same format). If you switch between DB versions, then you may have to rebuild all your Postfix DB files.

Warning: if you use Berkeley DB version 2 or later, do not enable DB 1.85 compatibility mode. Doing so would break fcntl file locking.

Warning: if you use Perl to manipulate Postfix's Berkeley DB files, then you need to use the same Berkeley DB version in Perl as in Postfix.

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